Floating Procedure:
2. We’ll cover the basics together and answer your questions.
3. Shower – put in ear plugs – step into the tank. Close the door. Turn off the light.
4. When your time is up, music fades in, easing you out of your float.
5. The light in the tank will automatically fade on shortly after the music begins.
7. Rinse off, get dressed and bask in your post-float GLOW

Pre-float optimization:
Avoid shaving before your float. Any cuts or lesions will be distracting due to the Epsom salt sting. If you do have any small cuts or areas of sensitive skin, we’ll provide you will Vaseline to apply beforehand.
Avoid eating large meals before your float. It will be easier for your body to fully relax when it’s not digesting food. If possible, eat a light, clean meal 1.5-2 hours before your float. If you plan on eating a large meal, leave yourself 3-4 hours before your float.
In order for your body to fully relax and heal, its important to stay hydrated – this is just as true for everyday life as when you’re floating.
Be sure to go to the bathroom before your float – an easy distraction to avoid!
Avoid caffeine and other stimulants before floating. The float tank is trying to reduce stimulation and elicit the ‘relaxation response’; stimulants like caffeine and nicotine will have the opposite effect.
Getting active before your float is a great idea. Yoga, running, and resistance training are all activities that pair well with floating. Your muscles and fascia will be loose and flowing with blood which helps to cleanse and repair your tissues. By using up any excess energy, your body will naturally ease into a deeper state of relaxation and meditation. Think of your float as the ultimate Savasana!
In the Tank:
Your breath can be an amazing tool for calming the mind and relaxing the body. Try to slow everything down with some deep, long breathes; once you settle into your experience try less to manipulate the breath and more just observing it.
Body Position
There is no “right” way to float. The most important thing is to get comfortable. The two main positions in the tank are with your arms at your side or with your arms over-head with your palms up. The arms up position is recommended to anyone who has neck or back concerns because it brings the spine further into alignment. Play around with the two to see which feels better for your body. When you are comfortable in your position, try to remain still and mindfully relax all of each body part from head to toe.
Letting Go
In order for your body to fully relax and heal, its important to stay hydrated – this is just as true for everyday life as when you’re floating.
Avoid excessive movement in the tank; it will prevent full relaxation and therefore many benefits of floating. Also, the more you move, the more likely you are to get salt water in your eyes and/or mouth. The tank’s strong Epsom salt solution has an unpleasant taste and will sting the eyes. If this happens, slowly exit the tank and rinse your mouth and/or eyes in the shower.